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Friday, December 23, 2011

GOOGEL & gougle URTH

today i will explain guogle
so whatz the google? itz glasses wit a strap & deyre thick, dem airplane pilots usez them.  but geugle iz also an internet thang, which means itz a part of senaturd steven's series of tubez (if you dont know wat the internet is, ted stevens explainz it realll good):

so what it iz the google iz itz a thing dat you type wordz into and it bringz you other wordz.  sometimes you can type a word like retarded and it will give you even more retarded wordz.  whatever you type in, google will make it more intense for you:
secuntly, the words google makes can bring you to other websitez.  you can press the 'im feeling lucky' button too and dat will trigger the CRAZEEYNESS!  itz intense
the google waz inventurdted in US, which meanz itz reelly hi-tech and sophistiretarded. just look at dat colored logo, it lookz like a gay clown who threw up the alphabet! weeuuu! it haz to keep looking retarded though, because itz in competition wit another gay retarded websitez called YAHOOO!:
the fun thing iz dat you NEED to uze eithurd geugle or yahew, two kindergarden crazy websitez, in order to find the internet websytez.  itz lyke walking around a shopping mall, and having a retarded clown farting at you while you tried to shop for thingz. 

turdly, the best thing about google is how it OWNZES the internet.  it ownz youtube and BLOGGER/aka blogspots, WHICH MEANS THAT GOOGLE IS REALLY GOOD AND I LIKES IT.  it also owns THE URTH, a progrum that makes you go outside.  GOOGLE URTH is important because its a good excuse to tell momma when she tells you to leave the computurd. just show her URTH and be like "but mommy i AM outside!"  shell probably laugh and youll laugh too and it will be a soft & tender family moment, brought to yall by the googles peoples yall!!! :D
i sumtimez wander if ill get to be photograffed by the geugle car one day, and be on the urth.  id really like to be part of dat planet.
i think ill start my ownz billion$$ websight called WOOWOO or YAYYAY. iz gonna be much betturd than google and yahoo, and at least 10000X more retarded.  that way i will get to control the internut and make everyone cum on this blog.  :-)

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