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Saturday, January 14, 2012


Becoze iz very cold outsyde during winturd, many montrealurds like to stay at home and watche the televysion for many lotz of dayz.  rite now i am reviziting the bess tv show ever:  BOOHBAH!!!

boohbah waz creaturded in 1873 by the same peepul who creaturded the teletubbyes (yess, dey were on a streek of amazingnurness).  Becoze boobah waz too technicully & scientyfficali advence for TVs in 1873, it wuz only played 130 yaerz laturd on THE PBSTHE PBS had to buyld new sattelytez to braodcast boobah in fulll-HD (hy-definurdtion) and by steeling millionz of moneyz from iranianian bank accountz to do so, THE PBS sparked inturdnational tenshions burtween the cuntries of northcoreea and republicz of boobah-zakstan, whish deelayed U.N. piece treaties - treaties, as in candy  ;) - negotiashionz.... bla bla bla THE PBS ended the show in 2005 bla bla long storie dat nobody karez. etc BOOBAH IZ THE BESS!

Dere are many reezons why boohbah iz the besstess televysion show eva existurded.  fistly, it iz the only show dat invented colorz, like ORENGUEE, PORPLE, and YELLEY.

Secuntly, boohbah had a very cumplex storylinez:

"Escaping from the KORKO'LOX - an imperial galactic alien race of bloodthirsty sexual torturers hellbent on satisfying their fetishist desires to drink the colorful, shiny, and orgasmic goo juice imbedded within the craniums of all sentient beings - the Boohbah, a team of five gay space travelers, arrive to earth in order to fart, look retarded, and do fuck-all in order to save their homeplanet and the galaxy from imminent destruction and sexual enslavery."

dere are 5 boobahz:  bluebah (the blue boobah team commander), uriney (yellow sience officer boobah), sunnypoop (orange special ops boobah), tickley (the gay pink boobah), and fart (the purple retarded boobah).

much of da show iz about how the boohbahz are trying to communikate wit the chrildren but are too retardedz to get dey point acrosss, so when dat happenz, dey just do sum othurd thing lyke jump around.  dey must alwayz look left and rite wit dere eyez becoze they must make shure dere are no adultz to see dem being gay. dis iz important becoze if an adult sees dem being gay dey explode (dis happened to uriney in seezon 2).

anothurd reezon why iz sooo guud iz the boohball; a shiney ball dat dey throw to the chrildren and makez the happyness become crazy. the effex of the boohball iz very amazing, just lyke the fart sound effex:  (1:40) 
to make want of exorcize iz also very guud; it encouragez the good hellth.  even tho the exorcize iz really dum, it teachez dat even if youre fat like a boobah, you can still hide your face in the fat.  boobah iz so awesumz.
in seezon 3, dick cheney became the blue boobah and overlord of urth.
so dat iz all the infurmashion. i hope you nowz watch the boobah before every sleep! it doez not make the dreamz of insane; i promise. *trollface*

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