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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

metro stashion review: guy-concodiarrhea

turday I will reviuw my FAVORUTE MONTREALE metro stashion: GAY-CONCORDAYA.  :DD!#!
Gay-corncordiar iz a metro stassion dat waz built for de queen of englund in 1836 so she could go to sharx bowling centurd for her furst tyme.  it iz also very impotant becuz it is the main metro of the studentz of de universitay guy-concodiar and becuz it iz my favorite metrostashion.  itz on the gREEN line which meanz it iz high-class & more espensive and respectabel.
1 of de reysons why i like dis metro stacion so much is the theme, whish iz post-apocalyptic wasteland/destreuction/hell:
by relatying to diz very revelent theme, its makez a very deep/subtle rectum comment dat all pessengers can enjuy and be in the afrayd of in the innerself.  have u eva wonderred wat it would be like to ride the subway afturd a nucleor bomb hit da city?  den guy-conordia iz the subway for u!!

the experiense iz very unfaggetable: first there iz the heat that iz very there & smell strong.  gay-concordya iz very very hot becuz thiz represants the firez of hell. :)
anothurd nice thing iz the artworke dat iz on the wallz. i like it becuz it iz very realistic portreyel of destruktion but i no like when it leakz on my shirk so wATCH OUT! if you are not kerful it will leeve browny stink waturd on you! make shure the distence iz the good for viewering and carry the umbreller for in case.
Anothurd reyson why it iz sooo much fun too go too thiz stayshion iz the very talenturd singerz and preformance artrists.  DEY ARE ULWAYS DERE so YAY! dey play horrribel ethnik muzik of scaryness to make the torturre of earz. give special attentiun to notice the no-arm man dat iz sometimez dere, he haz the special leg sweat smell and collectz small shiny metal circlez.

even tho "it has consistently been one of the network's busiest stations, ranking 4th in 2006 and 3rd since 2008," i likes dat they keeped it like it waz after it was hit by hitler'z nuclears bombz in 1943 & 1976 whiz waz verry sad.  most peupel pretendd not to know dis. dis iz caulled 'concordya bomb deniall'.
the metrro system peupel, or S.T.M. (an abreveuiation for Sux Too Much), make shure dat de train cums alwayz late, dat way u can meet sum new frendz dat crawl on ur fayce and say  "hHELO!'.  Dese frendz are named cokkroachez or in french-canadien: COKALAKARUCHES. KERFUL!: dunt run or dey bite!!  dey smell fearr. dey hungry for flesh & soul. nom nom nom!!

kewl also iz all da studentz who walk stoopid and slowww becuz dey like to be layte for classs.  dey usually will have cellphonne and dey no shut up. ALSSO: did u know i waz bornn at conkordia stashion?!? my mommmy waz traped in da stashion for 2 yaerz, and the stranger sexman came and i waz pooped out 2 monthz layturd! she tried to kill but i survyved! yay for unsuccessssfull aborshion  weuuww! im waz tricky slipppery baybee! hheeehehee *troollface*

oh CONORDOYA, how I missss u!! i luv to try and imagyne wat u will look like once da train derailz becuz of rust and smashez into wall! or maybee u will crumbel from tha ceilling, like montreaturd's overpassez. eithurd way, dis iz a magycal place where all your nightmarez will cum true!!!  bugz, stink, holez , noizy ear-rape, gyu-conoroooidya haz it ullll for you!

metro stashion reviewurd: 5*******/5***** A++ 100%! !brravo! yayayayayaya go now bfore iz too late!
buhbye stashion! !!!!

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