
yah u likez it! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

witch montreaul plow are u??

dere are sooo many diffrent typez of snowplowz here in montreale, and yesturday i wondurd: witch type of snowplow am i? and more impotantly, deer readurd, which snowplow are YOU??

pedestryan crushy
krushez who walkz aroundz it and iz alsso very very slow, so itz maybe of the betturd idea to cross the road to uze othurd sidewok.

traffik jamma
montrealurd's favoryte snowplow becuz itz  the one that drivez the most retarded. alsso wakez you up at 3am from your window wit itz butt beeps. 


big monster plow dat killz all snow. it then storez the snow in itz butt and smashez car side mirrors to peices. 


lil' faggy
a smallurd verzion of the pedestryan crushee dat movez poopie snow out of sidewok. this iz the most homosexual, so montrealurdz like it. it iz more stoopid than the crushee becoze it cleanz invisible snow.   ghostz snow iz scaree!

sista squirter
suckz and swalloz snow lyke prostitute. it has many ejaculationz and shootz snow in all direccions, hitting everyonez face and juss teazing of removing snow. peupel think dis iz the sexyest.

squirta & bigdaddy combo sexscene
the squirta/bigdaddy combo iz the most effectyve but controvershial plowyng mettod becoze the squirtationz of snow go into bigdaddy's butt. laturd, bigdaddy will take megadump in a park and krush chrildren wit it. 

so if i waz a snowplow, i think it would be the lil faggy becoze itz the most retarded of all! :)  yayyyyyy for snow and the ulltimate magyke of plowz!!

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